We are very proud of our Special Olympics participants who competed in yesterday's track and field games! Their banner won 1st place!
Fine Arts Night is tonight from 5-7 in the MPB. There will be music, slideshows, and refreshments!
We are still collecting aluminum pull tabs from beverages and other canned goods to benefit the Ronald McDonald House in Memphis. We are just 7lbs away from beating last year's total of 168lbs. Keep those tabs coming in!
Fine Arts night is closing in on us. Don't miss out!
Wellspring Church was on campus yesterday delivering a new pair of shoes to each student in our school from PreK-2nd grade. How amazing!
Head over to our Facebook page to see pictures of our 1st grade field trip to the Bootheel Youth Museum!
Be there every day you are able! When you miss school you miss so much!
Wishing strong structures, spontaneous genius, and amazing performances for all of the Blytheville OM teams at State competition today!
Going on a field trip is hard work for these 1st graders!
Step-up night is TONIGHT from 530-630 in the Multipurpose Building for returning students. You will meet teachers for the next grade level and fill out save a seat forms. In addition, children coming into kindergarten can be registered at this time.
Backing our Blue in the Kindergarten building!
Tailyn Lowe, Justice Hancock, and Lynnsey Collins from Ms. Foster's class earned certificates for knowing ALL of their K sight words!
Our 4th quarter area of interest is the Police Department. Back the Blue bracelets, stickers, and yard signs are for sale to help fund Crimestoppers
Step-up night is Thursday at Primary! Kindergarten can register that night as well! We hope to see you all there!
The BHS Spanish Club presented our Special Education classes with Easter baskets today! We LOVE our Chickasaw family!
Kindergarten registration is April 2-6 for children who will be 5 by August 1st. Visit our Facebook page for the list of items needed.
Kindergarten Awards were today! We are proud of our children! Here are just a few pictures. Head to Facebook for more!
Let's make a commitment to be present and make each day of this last quarter count!
We are all ready to see every one of our kids back at school tomorrow morning! Don't forget awards this week. Schedule on Facebook.