Attention parents and guardians of Blytheville athletes going into the 7th grade through athletes going into the 12th grade. Our annual Free Athletics Physical Clinic will be held starting at 9:00 AM on Tuesday, July 19th. Your athlete will be contacted by their coach for the form and details about the time and where to show up. If your student is unsure if they want to play, we encourage you to get them a physical. These are at no cost to you. The clinic will be held on the upper southwest terrace of the Chickasaws Arena.
According to the rules set by the governing body of athletics in the state of Arkansas (AAA), every participant must have a physical for athletic participation.
9:00 AM Sr Boys Basketball
9:30 AM Jr Boys Basketball
10:00 AM All Sr Girls Athletics and 9th grade that play softball only
10:30 AM All Jr Girls Athletics
11:00 AM Jr Boys Football and Track
11:30 AM Sr Boys Football, Baseball, Track, Tennis, and Golf