Think About It Thursday for 08/30/2018

Greetings!!  Hope this finds you off to a good start this school year. 

Who’s Who

Ms. Parker is the counselor for all 9th and 11th graders.

Ms. Crosskno is our college and career counselor, ACT person, Connections person, and the like.

Mr. Echols is also our college and career counselor, ACT person, BUT he also does all things ANC related.

Ms. Scottie Landess (that’s me) is the counselor for grades 12, 10, and ALE.

Ms. Phillips, in the counselors’ office, is the person you need to tell if your phone number or your address changes.

Ms. Valley is the receptionist/secretary for the counselors’ office.  She is your first stop when you come in our office.  You will find her behind the big desk in the center of the room when you enter.

Mrs. Middlebrook, in the principal’s office, is the one to see for the paperwork to get your driver’s license and she also is the one who prints out “official” transcripts.

Questions about attendance go first to the Welcome Center – Ms. Jones.  If after speaking with her you still have questions, go speak with Mr. Davis or Ms. Blankenship.

Sick? Have health problems? Allergies?  Pregnant?  Diabetic?  Please see our school nurse and let her know.

Worried?  Concerned about grades? Need help with something? Questions ?  See your counselor – you can also email us.

What’s What

What do we do if we’re tardy?  Come in the front door and check in at the Welcome Center.

What if I’m absent?  When you return, bring a note from home or the doctor and give it to one of the ladies in the Welcome Center.  If you’re wise, you’ll do this the very day you return after being absent.

What if I need to call home?  Go to the Welcome Center and ask to use the telephone.

What if I really don’t like one of my classes?  Sorry.  You won’t be able to even consider a change until the end of the semester (end of December).  Schedule changes are over for this semester.

What if I’m having trouble in a class?  Talk to your teacher and see if they can help you. We also have Homework Helpline every Tuesday and Thursday after school in the Library.


Some Things to Ponder

“You’ve survived 100% of everything in your life so far, so there’s a pretty good chance that you’ll survive whatever is next.”  Timber Hawkeye

“Don’t raise your voice, improve your argument.”  Unknown

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”  Unknown (actually I can’t read the person’s signature)

How to be successful?  Set a goal.

Write a goal statement.  How??  Write a first-person, positively worded, measurable, self-dependent, time-limited goal statement.  Huh???  Okay, like this . . .

Instead of saying “I will get a job by October 28”, make it self-dependent by saying “I will apply for at least one job by October 28.”  Or here’s another example – “I will win a swimming match against my brother by April 27.”  That’s not measurable.  Try “I will decrease my time in the 50-meter breast stroke by at least 3 seconds by April 27.”  Get the idea??  You can do it!  Give it a shot!!

From “Success Express for Teens, 50 Activities That Will Change Your Life”, Roger Leslie, Bayou Publishing, 2004, pp. 154-159.


Q1:  What rock group has four men that don’t sing?

Q2:  How did the tree get on the computer?

Parting Thoughts

I sincerely hope you have a wonderful year filled with positive excitement, much learning, good times with new and old friends, many smiles and loads of laughter. 


Ms. Scottie

Answers to Funnies

A1:  Mount Rushmore

A2:  They logged in.



Scottie Sue Landess, Counselor

Ed.S., Psychology & Counseling

Blytheville High School

Blytheville, AR  72315