Think About It Thursday for Nov. 9, 2017


Happy November!  Tis the month of progress reports – this week – so please check yourself and make sure your grades are where they need to be.  Remind your parents/guardians there are Parent/Teacher conferences tonight.  These progress reports are to help you make sure you pass your classes because the next report card you get will be the “biggie”. That means it will be your semester grade and be part of your GPA and help determine your class rank.  So you want those grades to be the best you can do.

There were ten winners to the last contest question (What can you not give the Headless Horseman?).  I would have taken many different answers – glasses, earache, toothache, sore throat, stuffy nose, etc – but the only answers I got were “headache”.  I’m guessing folks googled it but that’s okay.  All the questions won’t be that easy.  J

If you see . . .

Mrs. Megan Davis, the counselor at our elementary school, is working on her degree in counseling and I am her on-site supervisor for one of her classes.  She will be in my office with me from time to time for the rest of the school year and she may even be in one of your classrooms observing or doing a lesson.  So if you see her in my office with me, don’t let that stop you from coming on in.  She’s learning and observing.

What is an Intent to Graduate form?

Pretty much it’s a transcript that seniors have to sign, take home and get signed by a parent/guardian, and then bring back a copy.  Shows exactly where they stand toward graduation and what they must do to make it happen.  I’m sending them emails as I get them done.  Hopefully they all check their email. 

I need a form to get my driver’s license.

You get those from Mrs. Middlebrook.  She is in Mr. Ashley’s office.  Counselors’ office does not have those.


What’s that??  It stands for Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. Juniors take it every year and a few seniors take it a second time.  It’s a group of tests that help you determine your strengths and give you some guidance to help you choose your vocation/job in the real world or in the military.  Juniors and seniors will be taking it this month.



Great News!!!

Mrs. Crosskno went to a FAFSA meeting at ASU and learned the following:

ASU has just announced they will superscore for scholarships as well as for admission! Deadline for scholarships is December 1, 2017!

This means they will take the highest  score in each section using multiple test dates and average them together. This will give the student a new composite score and should increase scholarship money.


Facts & Funnies

The US Army is older than the United States itself. The Continental Army, officially established and led by future first president George Washington in 1775, helped lead to victory over the British in the Revolutionary War allowing the establishment of the United States of America in 1776.

Where would you find the Sea of Tranquility? The Moon. (this is a fact)


What does the term 'piano' mean? To be played softly. (fact)


Ninth graders who goof around and don’t pass their core classes do not become tenth graders the next year.


Which classes are considered core classes? ?????  (will give prizes to first ten correct responses)


Josh: Why did the farmer run a steamroller over his potato field on Thanksgiving Day? Phil: Why? Josh: He wanted to raise mashed potatoes.


What's the most musical part of a turkey? (The drumstick!)

Parting Thoughts

Ever wonder why there are students in your classes who show up every day and do absolutely nothing and make F’s yet they are here every day?  Wouldn’t it be easier on them and everyone else if they just did enough work to at least make a D so they don’t have to go through the class again?  If you see some folks around you doing that, maybe you could use a little positive peer pressure on them and encourage them to do enough pass.  What’s the worst that could happen if you try to help and encourage another person?  Looks to me like it would be a win for you and a win for them. Who knows, you might even make a new friend and/or change someone’s life.

Remember, you are loved and we all want you to succeed at all you do. 


Ms. Scottie