Think About It Thursday     9-28-17


Well, folks, we have made it through August and now September is quickly coming to an end.  What does that mean???  It means you only have two more weeks until this first nine weeks is over! Make sure you get caught up and have the grade you intend to have in all your classes.  Don’t let homecoming week get you in a predicament! And it can happen to the best of us if we don’t plan ahead.


Thanks to all who read last week’s edition of this and wound up being winners!  I had 5 adults to win and 9 students!  Yay!  Keep reading and playing!  If you know me, you know I love to have fun and it is fun to me to have little contests and give prizes.  You never know what the prize may be!

Class Changes

We keep getting requests from you guys to drop a class or change a class.  Folks, we don’t mean to be cranky, but schedule changes (unless we have made a mistake, like keyed in the wrong number) have to be made the first few days of the semester.  The state of Arkansas requires your body to be in a class a certain number of hours in order for you to get credit and we can’t move you around just willy-nilly.  Sometimes classes are difficult and you just have to toughen up and do the best you can – and you can always ask for help and go to Homework Helpline.  Sorry.

Key to Success


What does that mean?  Grit, spunk, stamina, determination, persistence, drive, backbone, endurance, moxie, tenacity, pluck are all different ways of saying “perseverance”.  Stay the course is what my momma always told me and that is perseverance.  But if you want to succeed at anything, you have to see it through from start to finish.  You can’t get part way in a quit.  It’ll get difficult, there will be bumps in the road, but there will also be some smooth sailing and the feeling of pride and sense of accomplishment you get when you get finished are so worth it.

Funnies and Facts

What did the big tomato say to the little tomato who was falling behind?      Ketchup!! J

Why did the atoms cross the road??      It was time to split!!!  J

Why was the baby ant so confused?    Because all his uncles were ants.  J

It takes the same amount of gas to fill a car’s gas tank as it does to make chemicals to produce three plastic trash cans or ten polyester shirts.

The sun is always behind you when you see a rainbow.

Albert Einstein started studying calculus when he was 12.

Parting Thoughts

Be the reason someone smiles today.


Ms. Scottie