Think About It Thursday for 8/31/2017
Tomorrow is September already!! Can you believe it??!! Hope this finds you off to a good start this school year.
Don’t forget - - - there is no school tomorrow or Monday.
Who’s Who
Ms. Stonner is the counselor for all 10thh and 11th graders. (Light yellow office)
Ms. Crosskno is our career counselor, ACT person, Connections person, and the like. (Tan office)
Ms. Scottie Landess (that’s me) is the counselor for grades 12, 9, and ALE. (Green office)
Ms. Phillips, in the counselors’ office, is the person you need to tell if your phone number or your address changes. Why do I have to tell her these things, you may wonder? Well, we send mailings out that parents need and want and we do call outs about special events and reminders of days we have no school. If your information isn’t current, you don’t get the calls or the mailings. (Red/orange office)
Ms. Nichols is the receptionist/secretary for the counselors’ office. She is your first stop when you come in our office. She will point you in the right direction and she will let you know if we can see you immediately or if you need to hang on and wait just a minute. You will find her behind the big desk in the center of the room when you enter. Sometimes she’s hard to see over that ledge, but she’s there.
Mrs. Middlebrook, in the principal’s office, is the one to see for the paperwork to get your driver’s license and she also is the one who prints out “official” transcripts.
Questions about attendance - go first to the ladies at the Welcome Center – Ms. Valley or Ms. Jones. If after speaking with them you still have questions, go speak with Mr. Davis or Ms. Blankenship.
Sick? Have health problems? Allergies? Pregnant? Diabetic? Please see our school nurse and let her know.
Worried? Concerned about grades? Need help with something? Questions ? See your counselor – you can also email us. We are here to help you.
What’s What
What do we do if we’re tardy? Come in the front door and check in at the Welcome Center.
What if I’m absent? When you return, bring a note from home or the doctor and give it to one of the ladies in the Welcome Center. If you’re wise, you’ll do this the very day you return after being absent.
What if I need to call home? Go to the Welcome Center and ask to use the telephone.
What if I really don’t like one of my classes? Sorry. You won’t be able to even consider a change until the end of the semester (end of December). Schedule changes are over for this semester.
What if I’m having trouble in a class? Talk to your teacher and see if they can help you. We also have Homework Helpline. Email your counselor or ask your teachers for details.
What if I need a schedule change? You’ll have to wait until semester now. We only have about 5 days at the beginning of each semester to make changes. We work and try really hard to make schedules so that changes don’t need to be made.
Remember the CAT
C = credits, you have to earn them to move on to the next grade. You earn them by making passing grades.
A = attendance, you need to be here in order to get a passing grade. Miss more than the allowed days and you will either fail or receive no credit. The state of Arkansas requires your behind to actually be in a classroom a certain number of hours in order to receive credit.
T = tardies, these dudes add up to absences. Be careful. You have ample time to get from one class to another. If you need to use the restroom in a bad way, go to class and let your teacher know before you go. They can give you a hall pass and you won’t be tardy. Now be smart and don’t abuse this.
Some Things to Ponder
“You’ve survived 100% of everything in your life so far, so there’s a pretty good chance that you’ll survive whatever is next.” Timber Hawkeye
“Don’t raise your voice, improve your argument.” Unknown
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” Unknown (actually I can’t read the person’s signature)
The world’s largest peanut butter factory produces 250,000 jars every day.
Americans have elected two peanut farmers to be President: Thomas Jefferson and Jimmy Carter.
Important Reminder for 10th through 12th graders
There is no more cushion of 50 points given to you the first nine weeks and third nine weeks. You earn what you earn, so no more waiting around for the freebie points to kick in before you start working to earn points – all that did was keep you running from behind to catch up on learning anyway. You have to start earning from the beginning. I’m sure your teachers have told you this, but here’s your reminder.
Q1: What rock group has four men that don’t sing?
Q2: How did the tree get on the computer?
Parting Thoughts
I sincerely hope you have a wonderful year filled with positive excitement, much learning and enrichment, good times with new and old friends, many smiles and much laughter.
I’m looking forward to getting to meet you, ninth graders! See you at the first Connections.
Ms. Scottie
Answers to Funnies
A1: Mount Rushmore
A2: He logged in. J
And for those of you who have bothered to read this far, I do have contests hidden in these Think About It Thursday’s sometimes. I do give prizes to the winners. There is no contest this week, but you never know without reading if there is or not. Just a little fun thing I enjoy. Sometimes I even allow the teachers to participate too!