If you don’t have a ticket to tonight’s Blytheville vs Rivercrest football game you can watch the live stream here:
Attention Football Fans:
All tickets and vouchers for the Blytheville/Rivercrest game tonight have been sold or handed out. Blytheville fans please do not show up at the game without a ticket, you will not be allowed to enter. Rivercrest fans do not show up without a voucher(you will need to have a voucher in order to pay your $5 to enter.)
Attention BES Parents:
Due to positive cases of COVID-19 and probable close contacts in staff Blytheville Elementary School will pivot to Virtual Learning beginning tomorrow, Wednesday, November 4th.
Students will return to On-site Instruction on Wednesday, November 18th.
BES 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students may pick up Chromebooks tomorrow (Wednesday) between 10:00am and 3:00pm at the cafeteria door.
Friday November 6th Football BHS vs Rivercrest at 7:00 at home.
Tickets will be pre sold for this game, $5/person. Please bring correct change for all ticket purchases.
Sr high football, cheer, and band will be allowed to buy tickets Wednesday afternoon at practice.
Tickets will be sold to Sr high students and staff Thursday morning 7:45-9:45 at the BHS lobby, referral room, and Mr. Davis' office.
BHS Virtual students can buy tickets from 7:45-8:45 Thursday in the BHS lobby.
If there are still any tickets left after that, they will be sold to the community in the BHS lobby Thursday 11:30-12:30.
Masks must be worn to enter the school lobby.
There have been a few counterfeit tickets used at previous games. Be very careful if you buy tickets from someone other than a school employee at the designated times. Any counterfeit tickets we receive at future games will be confiscated and the holder of said ticket will be denied admittance.
We apologize for any inconvenience that we have had during the football season because of the COVID guidance. Remember while at the game skip every other row and don't sit on the bleachers where the black tape is at.
Don't forget to listen to the Live Feed to hear the Chickasaws tonight at 7:00 as they travel to Pocahontas.
Here is the link https://youtu.be/reB5hg5V2IM
Attention Tenaris Parents! The Tenaris Afterschool Program K-5 will not meet next week, November 2nd -6th because Blytheville Primary School will be Virtual for the week.
Due to positive cases of Covid-19 and close contacts to positive cases, Blytheville Primary School K-2 will remain virtual for one more week (Monday, November 2nd to Friday, November 6th). All other schools will be face to face again starting Monday, November 2nd with the exception of the 3rd grade which has one more day of quarantine and will return on Tuesday, November 3rd..
There are 2 nights of football this week.
Thursday night, Oct 29th, our 7th grade play at home against Pocahontas starting at 5:30. Gates will open at 5:00. The Jr high game will immediately follow the 7th grade game. No vouchers will be needed for these games. Just pay $5 at the gate to cover both games.
Friday night, Oct 30th, Our BHS Sr Chickasaws will play at Pocahontas starting at 7:00. Vouchers will be required to be able to purchase tickets at Pocahontas.
Vouchers will be given to football players at practice Tuesday afternoon. Vouchers will be given to students, faculty, and community members Wednesday at the BHS lobby on Tenth Street 11:00-3:00. If there are any left over they can be picked up at the BHS lobby Thursday 9:00-3:00.
Also anyone who still has tickets for the cancelled Blytheville/Gosnell football game will have one more chance to get a refund for those: this Wednesday 11:00-1:00 in the BHS lobby on Tenth Street. Thanks for all your support.
Blytheville School District Board Meeting October 26th, 2020 @ 6 p.m.
Great meeting today with the Blytheville Middle School Guiding Coalition reviewing new learning from teachers attending the PLC Conference with Tim Brown! The enthusiasm was obvious and they are ready to move forward by learning by doing. #GoalSetting #SolutionTree #MissyWalley #PLC4AR #atplc
When the Blytheville/Gosnell football game was cancelled last Friday about half of the tickets were refunded Friday afternoon. We will also give out refunds tomorrow, Tuesday, 11:30-1:00 in the BHS lobby and again 3:00-4:30 Wednesday afternoon, also in the BHS lobby. Please bring or send your tickets at one of those times.
Starting Monday, October 19th Blytheville Child Nutrition Department will have pickup of both breakfast and lunch for all Blytheville school district students. Meals can be picked up at all four campuses from 10:30-11:30 daily.
Blytheville School District will be pivoting to virtual instruction for all students in K-12 starting Monday, October 19th through Friday, October 30th due to multiple positive cases and probable close contacts associated within the district. All buildings will be closed on Monday, October 19th for deep cleaning and staff will report to campuses on Tuesday, October 20th. Chromebooks for students in grades K-5 will be distributed on Tuesday between 10:00 am and 3:00 . Any students or staff who have been personally impacted have been contacted .
Refunds available today for the cancelled game.
Tonight’s Blytheville vs Gosnell Senior High football game has been cancelled due to COVID. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Blytheville Public Schools will be having a “Virtual Friday” every week beginning Friday, October 23rd as a way for students to catch up on work, receive additional assistance, and allow staff the opportunity to provide better services for all students. Students in grades 3-12 will learn from home on Fridays. Primary students in grades K-2 will be on campus until 11:00 am on Fridays in order for them to get face to face lessons that are critical for early learning and regular bus routes will run to get them to and from school with the shortened schedule.
The district’s intent is to provide additional academic support for those students who require these services, provide a safer environment for students and staff, and to allow more time for teachers to provide quality lessons for virtual and face to face students and to contact parents.
Making Fridays a virtual learning day will allow us to continue the Tenaris Afterschool Program Monday through Thursday which provides an important additional 2 hours a day of intervention and enrichment for participating students in K-5.
Virtual Fridays will allow for a deeper cleaning once a week of all district facilities and lessen the exposure to larger numbers of students reducing some of the anxiety of staff members.
Virtual Friday will allow the following for students and families:
Students in grades 3-12 can attend onsite if academic assistance is needed.
Students can attend onsite if parents are unable to access childcare.
Students needing additional services such as OT/PT, speech, etc. can access those services by scheduling them with the provider.
School buses will run their regular routes.
K-2 students will be dismissed at 11:00 am with a to-go lunch after finishing with direct instruction in literacy and math. Buses will run regular routes to get them home and any students who are at other campuses for assistance can be transported home by bus at that time.
Meals will be available for those onsite and offsite with the same pick up system that has been used for previous virtual days.
Students who do not attend onsite in grades 3-12 will not have their absence counted against them and no new learning will take place onsite that day for those grades.
There will be a broader disinfection of district facilities that day when students are not present.
This does not impact the already scheduled Virtual Learning Days in our school calendar where all students will be learning from home while teachers have conferences with parents or have professional learning opportunities: November 19, January 4, February 12, and March 18.
October 11, 2020
Dear Blytheville Primary School Family,
We have learned that a 2nd grade teacher has tested positive for COVID-19. We have already contacted individuals who were identified as a probable close contact letting them know that they need to quarantine, which includes one 2nd grade class. A probable close contact is someone who was within six feet for 15 minutes or more of known positive. Of course you may contact your medical provider to determine if anything is necessary for you. At this time, no school closure is necessary other than the one 2nd grade class. We understand this may cause anxiousness for you and your family and we regret any hardship. Please feel free to contact Nurse Tiffany Townsend at 870-278-0184
FRIDAY FOOTBALL UPDATE: Blytheville has scheduled a Sr High home football game for tomorrow night at 7:00 against Dewitt.
We will not have vouchers or pre sold tickets at this game. We will start allowing fans to pay at the gate at 6:15. We will only turn fans away when/if 500 fans have entered.
Thanks to Mississippi County Health Department and Blytheville School Nurses for providing a Flu Shot Clinic this week for our students and teachers.
Go to My2020Census.gov and take 10 minutes to count your family members so our community will get more funds!
The 2020 Census will make an impact on how much money the schools get over the next 10 years to educate Blytheville children. The census determines how much federal funding our state will receive for important programs like children's health insurance and emergency food assistance. It will help determine how our voting districts are drawn and how many representatives we send to Congress.
The bottom line is: there is still time to fill out the census, and to encourage your friends and family to do so. Self response is the most accurate way to ensure we have a complete count. All households can continue to respond to the Census online through Sunday!