Congratulations to Rashaud Marshall on surpassing the 1,000 point total for his high school career on January 14th against Forrest City!
about 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Rashaud Marshall surpasses 1000 points
Good Evening. Adverse weather and road conditions remain. For this reason, the Blytheville School District will remain closed Thursday, Feb 2. During this third AMI day, students are to continue print packets and assignments in Google Classroom. Do remain safe.
about 2 years ago, Dr. Perkins
Good Evening. The Blytheville School District will have an AMI day, Wednesday Feb1. Students should continue with print packets or assignments in Google Classroom. All extracurricular events for Wed Feb 1 will are cancelled and will be rescheduled. Thank you and remain safe.
about 2 years ago, Dr. Perkins
School Cancelled for January 31,2023
about 2 years ago, Dr. Perkins
Good evening. Due to weather conditions, there will be no school tomorrow, Jan 31. Students will complete assignments in via print packets or Google classroom. We will notify you of any future cancellations. Do remain safe.
about 2 years ago, Dr. Perkins
Due to pending inclement weather, all middle school, varsity, and afterschool events are cancelled for today, Jan. 30. We will communicate as soon as possible if the District must implement an AMI day, for tomorrow, Jan 31.
about 2 years ago, Veronica Perkins
Due to the threat of inclement weather, the Tenaris Afterschool Program and girls basketball games against Pocahontas that were scheduled for Monday, January 30th are canceled. The safety of our students, staff and families is our top priority.
about 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Due to the threat of inclement weather. The boys basketball games against Highland on Tuesday, January 24, 2023 will start at 4:00 PM. There will only be 2 games 9th/Varsity. No 7th grade game will be played. The safety of our students, staff and families is our top priority.
about 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Superintendent, Dr. Veronica Perkins is going to wear one of her many hats of using her recently obtained CDL license by volunteering to drive the Chickasaw cheerleaders to the Small Town Country Classic (Iverson Classic) hosted by East Poinsett County in Lepanto, Arkansas. Come out tomorrow January 21, 2023 to support our Chickasaws! Game time starts at 8:00 PM: Blytheville vs. White Station (TN)
about 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Small Town Country Classic
Chickasaws Basketball Team
Blytheville School District is currently taking applications for the following positions: Bus Driver, Food Service Worker, Maintenance Worker, and Transportation Mechanic. Applications are available online, at the Blytheville School District Service Center, and the Blytheville School District Administration Office. For more information, contact Cliff Miller, Operation/Security Director. Office: (870) 762-2053 / Email:
about 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Job Listings
School will not be in session on Monday, January 16th in observance of the Martin Luther King Holiday. Students will return to school on Tuesday, January 17th.
about 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
MLK Day Observance
Parents, please be mindful that Attendance Matters! It is imperative that your child is at school each day. Here are a few facts about why attendance is so important.
about 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Attendance Matters
You are invited to a SMACtalk Parent Webinar on January 9th from 6:30-7:30 PM. The guest is Jessica Franklin from the Little Rock FBI. She will share insight and guidance for parents regarding Sextortion and how to initiate those conversations with students. Here is the link to register: We hope you are able to join us. Those that register will receive a Zoom link through the email you registered with. Thank you so much for partnering with us as we support parents navigating online experiences with their students.
about 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
SmacTalk- What Parents Need to Know
The Tenaris Afterschool Program is canceled for January 4- 5. The program will resume on Monday, January 9th.
about 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Tenaris Afterschool Program Cancellation
The boys basketball games against Pocahontas that were scheduled for Monday, January, 2nd will take place Tuesday, January 3rd starting at 5:30 PM.
about 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Sports Update
The boys basketball games against Pocahontas that were scheduled for Monday, January, 2nd are cancelled due to the threat of inclement weather. They will be rescheduled at a later time. We apologize for the inconvenience. The safety of our students, staff, and families are our top priority.
about 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Sports Update
We hope you had a restful holiday break! Just a reminder that students return to school Wednesday, January 4. Teachers will be in professional development meetings on Tuesday, January 3. We look forward to seeing each of you soon!
about 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Back to School
Happy New Year!
about 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Happy New Year
Blytheville Schools will be closed December 19 through January 2. Teachers return on January 3rd for professional development and students return to school on Wednesday, January 4th.
about 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Happy Holidays
Some important information you need to know about the Chickasaw Classic! $20 Weekend passes $8 General Admission Free for Blytheville employees with school issued ID Season ticket passes honored and box seating will be enforced AAA passes allowed
about 2 years ago, Blytheville Public Schools
Chickasaw Classic
Chickasaw Classic